
Compelled to Move


Y’all…. I really truly “thought” we were done fostering. After having our hearts ripped out last November we absolutely needed a break. However, during that break God gave us the best little miracle to help heal the parts of our hearts that we thought would be closed off forever.  He used our little Rainbow baby, Ansley Lane, to help heal from the loss of our Shiloh and sweet Haven.  God is good and has poured out his grace on us, so much so that our cup over flows and we are compelled to let that overflow pour out onto the broken children around us.

For weeks we had been unsettled and agitated. We questioned if we should answer the call again. We said yes, again. HIS peace is surrounding us and we know this is why we had been feeling unsettled and agitated.  Compelled to move, again.

These children are worth it. Maybe they have never known the love of a parent. Never had structure.  Never had positive reinforcement. Never had discipline. Never had a space to call their own.  Never had someone to fight for them. Never had someone to call them by their name and say you belong to me.

Sometimes they are reunified with their parents and sometimes they aren’t. There isn’t a set time you’ll have them when you accept the call to foster. I believe the Lord desires these “original” families to stay together, but he also gives us free will to make our own choices. In this broken sinful world it becomes all too easy to get caught up in the world and lose sight of the right priorities.


God created adoption. Adoption is created through redemption.

We have been created by God to be adopted into his heavenly family. Redeemed from the broken way it once was.

We have been created with the desire to be called by name. To be claimed.

Galatians 4:5 “God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children.”

Ephesians 1:5 “HE predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”

Isaiah 43:2 Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

Honestly, I was more worried about our bio children and how they felt when considering fostering again. So we called a “family meeting” and that’s when my two oldest voiced wanting to help kids again. They do not understand all of the details, but what they do know is there are children who need a warm bath, a clean bed, clean clothing and full tummy. They know they have never went without, but some children have. They know they have excess where others have none. They want to share and want to give. I fail a lot at parenting, but hearing my 11-year-old and 5-year-old state the above, made me thank God something is sinking into their brains. 🙂

A valuable lesson

“We learned that orphans (abused/neglected children, in the case of fostering) are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” – Radical by David Platt.

Yes, David. You are right on the money there. EVERYTHING does change.

We can’t un-see their little faces or un-hear their adult-in-a-tiny-body testimonies.

BUT we are compelled to move and not sit still waiting for “someone else with more money and more time” to move.

Praying there are more movers and doers instead of idle sitters. Praying there are more hearts broken for the least of these instead of excuses made. Praying there is more conviction instead of guilt. Praying there is more healing instead of brokenness.

Praising God for the lives that are yet to be changed because one of HIS children is Compelled to move.
